Check-In Information
Wednesday, September 17th 2025
All riders and passengers must register on Wednesday, September 17, 2025 and receive their information package. Check-in will be held at the Blanding Visitor's Center, 12 N. Grayson Parkway between the hours of 12:00 p.m and 4:00 p.m. If there is a conflict with registering in person on Wednesday, please send notification to sanjuanatvsafari@yahoo.com.
The night ride will leave from the Monticello Visitor's Center promptly at 5:30 p.m. and from the Blanding Visitor's Center at 5:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at the Monticello Pavilion on Blue Mountain at approximately 6:30 p.m. It is strongly recommended that you pack warm clothes and clear googles or glasses for the ride home. In dry conditions, it can be dusty and the temperature drops considerably when the sun goes down.
Thursday, September 18, 2025
Trail Riding. Please review your travel packages for staging locations. All rides leave promptly at 8:00 a.m.
Friday, September 19, 2025
Trail Riding. Please review your travel packages for staging locations. All rides leave promptly at 8:00 a.m.
Saturday, September 20, 2025
Trail Riding. Please review your travel packages for staging locations. All rides leave promptly at 8:00 a.m.
The Safari Banquet
The Safari Banquet will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the San Juan Wellness Center, 1013 South 300 West, Blanding
The trails on the San Juan Safari are uniquely spectacularly, beautiful and exciting. The trail system ranges from "easy" to "expert/difficult", and you will find adventure and enjoyment on which ever trail you ride. Currently, there are eighteen different trails to choose from. You will be able to ride one of the trails each day of the Safari, for a total of three great rides. Regardless of the trails you select, you should prepare yourself for a scenic and exciting adventure. Trails will originate from both Blanding and Monticello, and return to that same starting location each evening. Some trails will leave right from town, while others will involve transporting your ATV/UTV to the trailhead. Every trail is guided by a group of two or three experienced ATV/UTV riders who are familiar with the trail and the sights along the way. Many of these volunteer guides are long-time residents of San Juan County and know the country intimately.
Trail Information
Trails will leave each morning promptly at 8:00 a.m. Please plan to arrive by 7:45 a.m. at the designated staging areas that are detailed with a map in your packet. Some trails will begin at the send-off points, but most will involve trailering to the trail head. The weather is normally very pleasant during this time of year, but participants should come prepared for all kinds of weather.
- Each participant is responsible for his or her own lunch on the trail.
- Each participant should bring plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverages.
- Please tread lightly and respect public lands. Please pack out what you pack in.
ONLINE Registration for the Safari is currently open and will continue until space is no longer available. Registration is limited to 350 riders and trail capacity per day is also limited, so early registration is recommended. Registration can be completed online, please click here to complete your registration. Trail assignments will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. Your trail assignment will be in the packet you receive at registration. Any registrations after August 1st will not be guaranteed a sweatshirt.
Check-in will being Wednesday, September 17, 2025 at 12:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. at the Blanding Visitor's Center. 12 N. Grayson parkway.
Saturday Night Banquet
Your name tag is your entry ticket to the Saturday night banquet. Additional meals may be purchased at the door if needed or they are available through the registration process for $25. The Banquet location is at the San Juan Wellness Center, 1013 South 300 West, Blanding.
Limitation of Liability
Riders should stay with their group and follow guides. Guides will assist the group in maintaining a safe and comfortable speed. Good judgment and responsible riding on the part of every rider must be exercised at all times. Each rider will be responsible for compliance with the conditions set forth herein,, and for the condition and operation of his or her own ATV and related equipment, and of his or her own safety and personal protective gear, and that of those in his charge.
Utah State ATV laws indicate that where trails are located on public lands, and have been properly designated as open to ATV use, those involved in land management, and organized, permitted uses on those trails bear no responsibility or liability for accidents which may happen due to trail use or participation in events involving those trails.
Safety & Etiquette
The San Juan Safari takes place in a physically remote and geographically diverse area. San Juan County is one of the largest counties in the nation. It contains coniferous and deciduous forests in the mountains and high desert in the lower valleys.
Participants in the San Juan Safari should wear a helmet, gloves, over the ankle boots, shatter resistant eye protection, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt or jacket while riding. Adequate training and experience, including and ATV training course, is the responsibility of the participant prior to the Safari.
Plan to carry plenty of water or other non-alcoholic liquid. Southeastern Utah is dry, even in the mountains.
Each participant should be physically fit enough to ride the trails chosen to participate in the Safari. Changes in elevation should be expected. Trails range from 5000 to 11000 feet above sea level. Temperatures and weather situations may be diverse each day.
Observe the same traffic laws as other vehicles. Always yield to automobiles, hikers or horses that may be on the trail.
Guides for each trail are trained and experienced ATV riders who are familiar with the trails. There will be at least two trail guides on every trail. One in front and one in back. The rear guide will always be the last person in the group to ensure your safety. Each rider should choose trails appropriate for their riding abilities. If you come to a section of trail that you believe is beyond your abilities, trail guides may assist you through this area.
The Environment
The San Juan Safari is concerned that the environment will be respected and preserved for further lawful use. Consequently, we ask that all participants be aware of and adhere to the following:
Participants should restrict the use of ATV's/UTV's to designated roads and trails at all times.
Occasionally a stream my need to be crossed. Please cross the stream as the guide directs. Generally streams should be crossed at a low speed following the shortest possible path.
Please be respectful to ranchers, horsemen, hunters and all animals and other people.
Do not leave the trail to go around obstacles blocking the trail. With the approval of the guide, you may assist in removing an obstacle from trails.
Please do not pioneer new trails.
Tread Lightly! Be a good rider and leave the trail better than you found it.
Thank you for helping us maintain good relations with the other users of public and private lands and the agencies and individuals who grant access to them.
The San Juan Safari and its sponsors and supporters have tried to take every possible precaution to assist participants in having a safe and enjoyable adventure while at the Safari. Due to the nature of the sport of ATV riding, it must be understood by every participant that there are inherent dangers in riding ATVs/UTVs. The Safari, its sponsors, supporters, public land management agencies, volunteers and all other persons or entities involved with the San Juan Safari cannot be responsible or liable for any accidents or mishaps, or personal property damage which occurs during Safari events. By registering for the San Juan Safari, each rider takes upon himself or herself personal responsibility for his or her own safety and well being, as well as others in his or her care.